Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
A prática da autopublicação: o papel do autor-editor e as novas possibilidades de publicação
Brust, Fabio Rücker
This work presents a panorama of the acting of two important agents involved in the productive chain of the book, author and editor, and the merging occurred from the advent and growth of the practice of self-publishing, in its traditional and digital forms. After a quick explanation over the brazilian editorial market and the independent publishing, in addition to an approach over platforms and tools that allow authors to publish their books by their own, a questionnaire was applied with three authors that passed through the two forms of publishing with the objective of comparing their experiences between the two types of publishing and define which one of them the respondents believe is more advantageous. Through the analysis of their responses, it was possible to verify that the figure of the editor does not become obsolete, even when the author is capable of making his book by his own. Thus, we observe that, many times, the self-publishing practice serves as a bridge between the new author and the traditional editorial market, this last being constituted by the publishing houses through which many independent authors aim to publish their books. In this analysis, we legitimate not only the independent publishing, but, also, the traditional publishing, as well as the figures of author and editor, in addition to the merging between both.