Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Gestão democrática: os desafios encontrados no município de Maçambará - RS
Braga, Nádia Braga de
This paper addresses the democratic management, its implementation in the city of Maçambara / RS and the challenges faced by the Municipal Director of Education (DME). The objectives are to identify the challenges faced by the Municipal Director of Education in the implementation of democratic management, identify actions carried out in the municipal educational management that characterize democratic management; highlight the importance of democratic management to improve the quality of used education is the case study research methodology and data were obtained through questionnaires answered by the municipal manager and two school managers. The results show that the education department, although there are some actions that characterize democratic management, the same does not happen in fact, progress is needed, decentralizing management. The school managers have shown that there is interest and willingness to carry out work aimed at the democratic, but they need the active participation of all involved in the process to try and resolve the challenges they face. The theoretical framework and the data obtained in the study indicate that there is a lot to do for the democratic management actually happens The main challenges of democratic management in Maçambara municipality are not active municipal councils, lack of adequate physical space for meetings advice, directors appointed by the executive, not employee participation in decision-making, provide a quality public education, achieving the goals of educational plans, realization of the principle of democratic management.