Viabilidade técnica, econômica e social do aproveitamento das águas de chuva e cinzas para consumo não potável na cidade de Santa Maria/RS
2013-04-01Registro en:
POZZEBON, Pedro Henrique Bürger. Technical, social and economical viability of rain and grey waters optimization for non drinking water consumption in Santa Maria, RS. 2013. 193 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia Civil) - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, 2013.
Pozzebon, Pedro Henrique Bürger
The objective of this work was to study a technical, social and economical
viability of the optimization for grey and rain waters for non drinkable consumption in
the city of Santa Maria, RS. The volume of the rain water tank was dimensioned in 15
m³, and so, guaranteeing the water supply in 33,55%. The rain water tank mixed with
grey waters was dimensioned in 2.12m³, providing 100% of demand. Rain water
optimization system provides an economy of R$ 937,19/a year, and the value of its
investment was estimated in R$ 8.078,34, with maintenance and operation cost of R$
150,00/a year. Its present net value ranged from R$ 5.629,61 to R$ 7.665,49; the
payback was from ten years and three months to eleven years and four months; the
internal rate of return was between 7,41% and 5,97%, and the relation cost/benefit
was from 1,49 to 1,66. The mixture system of rain and grey waters saves R$
2.793,42/a year, and the investment value was estimated in R$ 25.384,33, with
operation and maintenance cost of R$ 301,74/a year. Its present net value ranged
from R$ 18.679,38 to R$ 24.449,23. Payback was from ten years and two months to
ten years and eleven months; the internal rate of return (IRR) was between 7,51 and
6,22; and the relation cost/benefit was between 1,58 and 1,78. In relation to social
viability, a survey with people from 200 homes was accomplished to verify knowledge
and acceptance of those systems population. Both, rain and grey waters optimization
studies have demonstrated to be technically, economically, and socially viable.