dc.contributorPippi, Ney Luis
dc.contributorStainki, Daniel Roulim
dc.contributorHuppes, Rafael Ricardo
dc.creatorKasper, Priscila Natasha
dc.identifierKASPER, Priscila Natasha. EVOLUTIONARY ASPECTS OF BREAST NEOPLASMS IN BITCHES IN DIFFERENT SURGICAL TREATMENTS : RETROSPECTIVE STUDY 2015.. 2015. 43 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Medicina Veterinária) - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, 2015.
dc.description.abstractMammary tumors are the most common type among those tumors in dogs, where approximately 50% are malignant. The etiologies of these neoplasms are still quite controversial, however, it is known that tumors of malignant origin have high ability to spread among the targets, inguinal and axillary lymph nodes, and the breast parenchyma. The type of therapy can be modified using traditional therapies such as anticancer chemotherapy, electrochemotherapy, metronomic chemotherapy, radiotherapy or surgical. The surgery effectively in curing about 50% of malignant tumors. What has been widely discussed in recent years is how to surgical resection used for removal of breast neoplasms influence the high rates of tumor recurrence. The current literature recommend that make surgical removal of the chain affected mammary glands, along with all associated lymphatic tissue, thereby improving the prognosis of patients. However, stresses the importance of the development of predictive evaluation criteria in an attempt to achieve better surgical planning with broader approaches and free of tumor cells. This study was conducted at the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Santa Maria, with 502 bitches with breast neoplasms and were subjected to some type of surgical procedure for correction. We conducted a post-surgical study using a questionnaire based on questions and answers related to the type of procedure performed, realization of ovariohysterectomy and postoperative recurrence percentages. In the survey it was observed that the surgical techniques of total bilateral mastectomy ( 11%) and total unilateral mastectomy (17%) had lower percentages of recurrence when compared to regional mastectomies ( 75%) and lumpectomies ( 83%). After the results of the questionnaire, there was a pilot study with 6 bitches presenting breast neoplasms, aiming at a proposed new surgical technique for the treatment of breast neoplasms in dogs, taking into account the results collected and some principles of surgery oncology established.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria
dc.publisherMedicina Veterinária
dc.publisherPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Medicina Veterinária
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectNeoplasias mamárias
dc.subjectMammary tumors
dc.titleAspectos evolutivos de neoplasmas mamários em cadelas nos diferentes tratamentos cirúrgicos: estudo retrospectivo

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