Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
Adaptação do modelo estratégico de cooperaçōes aplicado à uma rede de lojas de cosméticos
Mignon, Bruna Aline Casali
For all cooperation generates positive results and competitive advantage, they must be strategic aligned and based on the right strategic model. Because of this reason, this project aims to verify the strategic alignment of a network cosmetic by the adaptation of the Cooperation Strategic model. For that, initially the model was adapted to amplify the applicability of that one, and in sequence, a study case was developed to prove the model functionality and verify the strategic alignment of the cosmetic framework. As a result, related to the adaptation, a base questionnaire was developed to collect the data and a standardization of the model calculations. Moreover, at the end of the study case, it was possible to observe that all the units were positioned in the same box of the matrix model, proving the strategic alignment between the framework, and also, it indicated possible improvements to be made.