dc.contributorMarquezan, Lorena Ines Peterini
dc.creatorAlmeida, Maria La Salete
dc.description.abstractThe cooperation that permeates the scenario has transformed the concept of competitiveness. The human being is the most important resource, and valued in the near future, and such assertion is supported in the scenario that is constantly evolving socioeconomic environment in which we live. Today, with, the job market becoming increasingly dynamic, organizations seeking more skilled workers who can make decisions, to absorb, process and relay information more quickly as possible, as the progress of the world where information is quickly absorbed and discarded in the way, humans do not fit this profile, are quickly discarded. Organizational culture is always in the process of change is slow and should be followed closely, as to change the emphasis on the role of leadership, as the real leader is the agent of change. The institution the research took place can be identified as belonging to public sector services, the City of Fortaleza = PMF, the city of Fortaleza. The sample consisted of a group of 08 randomly selected employees. The ages ranged from 40 to 63 years of age. The number of men studied was 03 and for women was 05. The research took place in two ways: first we conducted a survey document and then search through the attached questionnaire to staff members. T he study was conducted by the researcher and took place between Days 01 to 10 July 2009. Analyzing the human resources policies, we see that the policies implemented by the area, can be a competitive advantage achieved jointly by linking individual-organization, ie, the employee may feel more valued and motivated thus increasing the degree of commitment to the institution.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria
dc.publisherCentro de Educação
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectGestão educacional
dc.subjectRecursos humanos
dc.subjectComprometimento organizacional
dc.titleGestão escolar: uma visão crítica dos recursos humanos e o comprometimento organizacional para a democratização da educação
dc.typeTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização

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