| Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Gestão e projeto pedagógico: o contexto de expansão do Instituto Federal Farroupilha/RS
Kehler, Gabriel dos Santos
This monographic study is a research related to the Specialization in Educational Management Course- Lato Sensu of the Center on Education, Federal University of Santa Maria – UFSM/RS. It is a result of an investigative work aobout Institutional Educational Project of Federal Institute Farroupilha in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. This study focuses on categorical throughout management concepts. From this perspective, the research was theoretical and methodological study based on dialetic understood as a critical way to analyse phenomena according to historical materialism. As a procedure, it was realized a documental analysis, based on Bardin (2011), concerning to the dialectical thought. To organize it, the research presented many conceptions, often fragmented and isolated from each other, showing an average of seven semi-categorical variables on management. It was found, just three categorical evidences: management/ participative management/ democratic education, on relation to another. In this process, this bibliographic study, considering the principles of management, as well as resulting in this monograph, proposes to establish a relation among others studies related to the theme and between the two programs of post-graduation: lato sensu, stricto sensu, aimed at building an institutional and personal projects.