Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Planejamento em equipe: caminho para o sucesso escolar
Riva, Marlei Pozza
The present work “Team Planning: a way to a successful school”. Expresses the
worries and the need to plan in groups, with the participation of all the ones involved
in the education process. This study aimed at defining the limits and the possibilities
of a constant and reflexive planning by the teachers on a continuous, permanent and
flexible process ruled by a dialogic, critical, conscious and collective vision. The aim
is to contribute to enhance the pedagogical practices at school. This monographic
work is organized in chapters, initially the introduction and then the literature revision.
In the last one approaches the concepts of planning, their meaning in the teachinglearning
process and the prominence of qualified professionals in order to build a
participative and collective project in the school context. There is also a reflection
about the action of the school community in the enhancing and qualification of the
school and teachers’ pedagogical practice. After that, one shows the methodology
necessary to reach the proposed aims. In order for that to happen, one chose the
descriptive research, of the case study type, in which one carries out interviews with
eight teachers of primary schools (first years) and five principals of the fundamental
school of the municipal chain of schools from Constantina-RS with the theoretical
basis. In the analysis of results, the talks of the interviewed people interlaced with the
theoretical basis. Finally, one shows the conclusion and the reference researched.
One concludes that the worries about the enhancing in the education quality needs
some decentralization and consequently the participation has to become a nuclear
concept in the school context.