Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Carcinoma de células escamosas em felino: relato de caso
Gayer, Maurício Morisco
The invasive cutaneous carcinoma of scaly cells is one of the most common feline
neoplasis developing in this specie a different biological behavior in relation to the
other animals and its most usual location are the “white” areas as the head and ears
tips besides commonly come as an incurable ulcer or a prolific red tumor. The
etiology of the scaly cells carcinoma is not clear in the whole cases. The continuous
exposure of no pigmented skin to the violet radiation increases the risks and the first
symptoms of this neoplasis are nasal and ocular secretion, epistaxe, noisy breathing
and in the most serious cases apathy and weight loss. A bony invasion is possible to
occur culminating in changes such as the nasal corneas and jawbone destruction.
They are often locally invasive and delay to accomplish metastasis. The cytological
examination of these neoplasis wounds is carried out through the impression
technique (imprint) or the fine needle aspiration biopsy being useful in the diagnosis
although the excision technique is the most reliable technique for the final diagnosis.