De que comunidade se está falando? O conceito a partir das estratégias discursivas em telejornais brasileiros
2012-12-20Registro en:
PICHLER, Patricia Franck. What is the community talking about? The concept from the discursive strategies in brazilian television journalism. 2012. 170 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Comunicação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, 2012.
Pichler, Patricia Franck
This work is inserted in the media communication area, comprehending it imbricated in the web of the mediatization, being the social processes involved with the communicational processes reciprocally. Under this logic, it aims at investigating the comprehension of the community concept aroused by the discursive strategies of the Brazilian television journalism. The study begins with the theoretical review and the epistemological comprehension of the concept of community, with reference to the authors Tönnies, Buber, Esposito, Touraine, Paiva, Henriques and Boaventura, culminating on the proposal of a concept revised and amplified to the contemporaneity. There is also the study about the analyzed media instance, the television, with focus on the mediatization according to Verón, Sodré and Fausto Neto, also theorizing about the communication patterns of the grotesque and of the emptying of the television content, as exposed by. The corpus of the research is compound by reports (audiovisual texts) of the TV news Jornal Nacional of Rede Globo and Jornal da Record of Rede Record that contain the term community during the months of October, November and December, 2011. All the reports of the three months were downloaded from the TV news sites and listened, with posterior transcription of those ones that made reference to the concept. The methodological-theoretical approach has its course in the studies of the Critical Analysis of the Discurse that uses the analysis of discursive practices, because it comprehends the language as phenomenon of the social practice. The tridimensional model worked by Norman Fairclough joins three analytical traditions textual analysis, discursive practice analysis and social practice analysis that in the whole interpretation mould a representative board of the social practices and of the cultural, social and discursive relations, involved with the context and the thematic researched. In order to accomplish the objective of the research, there are observed the aspects linked to the vocabulary and to the text structure about the analyzed discourse, regarding to the step of the textual analysis of the discursive formations, and at the end, there is verified the discursive ethos of each TV news about its journalistic production on the concept of community. By capturing the linguistic operations used in the strategies of the news casting discourse about community, it aims at comprehend which effects of sense are organized by these news broadcasting and what interpretative conduct the way how the concept is represented in the Brazilian television media can be arousing. From the analysis of the discursive strategies, it is perceived the arising of a new comprehension about the concept of community, that is, the television news, through its discourse, proposes a community that goes beyond the communal characteristics, evokes the new, a new community.