A produção do sujeito musical campeiro na vertente da canção nativista estudantil em Santana do Livramento - RS
2012-03-30Registro en:
LARRUSCAIN, Edilacir dos Santos. THE PRODUCTION OF A COUNTRYMAN MUSICAL SUBJECT AT NATIVIST SONG BRANCH IN SANTANA DO LIVRAMENTO-RS. 2012. 91 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, 2012.
Larruscain, Edilacir dos Santos
This dissertation presents discursive practices that produce the Countryman Musical Subject,
a type of subjectivity of gauchismo of Rio Grande do Sul, which circulates in the Student
Nativist Song Branch, a music festival which has been gathering, since 2002, at Liberato
Salzano Vieira da Cunha Public School, in Santana do Livramento-RS, hundreds of students
from Basic Education up to universities from that city and neighboring towns. The work is an
ethnographic study and is linked to the Line of Research and Education and Arts-LP4 and to
the research group DEC-Difference, Education and Culture, of the Post-Graduation Program
in Education of the Federal University of Santa Maria. The Branch is considered, in this
study, as a cultural teaching instance, where subjects immersed in relations of powerknowledge,
based on Nativist Gaucho culture. Taking into consideration the approach from
the Cultural Studies in Education, which understands culture as a set of significant systems
that generate knowledge and constitute subjectivities, it is analyzed the circulation of
narratives that spell out the production of the Countryman Musical Subject, a kind of
subjectivity aligned to the musical practices of nativist discourses, embedded in the overall
production and consumption of cultural goods. In the text, there is a description of markers of
gaucho culture that produce Countryman Musical Subject, and from the narratives of Music
workshops as well as teachers and students of the organizing committee of the festival. It is
analyzed the experience of production of subjectivities of students and teachers participating
in Nativist Song Branch.