dc.contributorNeumann, Pedro Selvino
dc.contributorTommasino, Humberto
dc.contributorSilva Neto, Benedito
dc.creatorCastro, Gustavo Daniel Benítez
dc.identifierCASTRO, Gustavo Daniel Benítez. INFLUENCE OF LANDMARKET AND LAND PRICES IN LIVESTOCK PRODUCTION FAMILY SISTEMS IN URUGUAY. 2014. 204 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Agronomia) - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, 2014.
dc.description.abstractIn Uruguay in recent years was evidenced a significant increase in the agricultural sector. International commodity prices boosted the price of the land wich increased by more than 600% and leases more than 400% in the period between 2000 and 2011. This was accompanied by the sale of almost 7 million hectares and the leasing of more than 8 million, addend between both, almost all of the productive area of the country. In the same period, of a total of 57 thousand establishments in 2000, lost more than 12 thousand establishments of which 11 thousand correspond to units of less than 100 hectares. The present work as main objectives has to understand how it is structured, and works the land market in Uruguay and then explain how has been the influence of that market and prices landholding on production systems family. Was performed an analysis of secondary data on prices for land and the dynamics of the land market, comparing himself with the census data structure of land ownership, concentration and foreignization of land, throughout the country and by departments. Subsequently, from the concepts of the theory of the Capitalist Theory of Land Rent, was evaluated the structure and functioning of the land market by checking for the existence of a speculative behavior in this market. In turn, on the basis of the systemic approach based on the Theory of Agrarian Systems (Analysis-Diagnosis of Agrarian Systems) was used the study of the influence of such market as a differentiation factor for production systems family of homogeneous area of Barriga Negra and Sierras Blancas in the department of Lavalleja. Was performed the typology of the production systems on the basis of typical cases and representative of these typologies, was performed the study economic. The principal results showed that the large increase in the price of the land, in Uruguay, it is a product of the international situation with high agricultural prices, but also of a speculative behavior by the big landowners and agribusiness companies. The price of land officiates as a barrier for small producers that do not have a scale according to the productive model and cannot access, via the market to purchase the land. Some systems that they get a accumulation, however, they do so from lease land and therefore the price of land also prevents them from the purchase of the mode of independence from the leases. This way, the forest big companies in the homogeneous area capture lands, they press for the increase of the prices and they appropriate of the rent land ownership starting from the lease of these small units. In this context, without a public intervention it seems unlikely that these units found mechanisms of accesses to the land, to make viable their systems, so they tend to the abandonment of the production.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria
dc.publisherPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Extensão Rural
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectSistemas de produção
dc.subjectMercado de terras
dc.subjectRenda fundiária
dc.subjectProduction systems
dc.subjectLand market
dc.subjectLand rent
dc.titleInfluência do mercado e preço da terra nos sistemas de produção familiares pecuaristas no Uruguai

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