“Negros em terra de italianos”: etnografia da migração de moradores da comunidade remanescente de quilombos Arnesto Penna Carneiro de Santa Maria, RS, para Caxias do Sul, RS
2012-04-04Registro en:
MONTEIRO, Cristiano Sobroza. “Negroids in an italian land”: migration ethnography of residents from the remaining community of Arnesto Penna Carneiro quilombos from Santa Maria, RS, to Caxias do Sul, RS. 2012. 193 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Sociologia) - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, 2012.
Monteiro, Cristiano Sobroza
This study is the result of ethnographic research that was done with residents and
former residents from the remaining community of Arnesto Penna Carneiro quilombos, from
Santa Maria, RS, who have migrated to the city of Caxias do Sul, RS. The study shows how
goes the process of constituting these migrants identities by establishing ethnic boundaries
between distinct ethnic groups, negroids from a quilombola community who turn out
residing in a city that is known as to belong to Italians . The analysis of a migrant family s
life trajectory and some of their relatives that meet the big city shows the many identity
redefinitions to which they are subject; the farm chores, which are different from the ones in
the industry; the learning of new work techniques, of socialization to an urban lifestyle; the
advantages and disadvantages of living in a land of opportunities ; as well as the own notion
of what it is a quilombola, as an attribution category. Furthermore, it is pointed out that these
quilombolas are interacting with the Italianality that is present in the society they are
inserted in and how the quilombola community, through their practices and cultural values,
continues to be a reference for the everyday experiences of their former residents in Caxias do
Sul. This study fits to debates on immigration, social identity and ethnicity by highlighting the
relationships between distinct ethnic groups which interact in an urban context.