Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Política municipal da pessoa com deficiência: percepções de gestores e sociedade civil
Silva, Pricila Arrojo da
Disability is currently understood as a universal human condition. In the world, it is estimated that more than one billion of people have a disability, many people with some disability, most of the people with disabilities experiences, daily, social isolation, which restricts the constitution of social networks, and contributes to the limitation of access to services such as health, education, as well as to the labor market, urban mobility and spaces of culture, sport and leisure. The scenario and the problems faced by people with disabilities confirm the need to advance in municipal public policies, on access to rights and reduction of precarious living conditions. The objective of this paper is to analyze the perceptions of managers and civil society about the municipal policy of the person with disability in a municipality in the central region of RS state in Brazil. The research is characterized by a qualitative study of an exploratory objective, through semi-structured interviews, using Content Analysis as a methodology for data analysis. As results, it was observed that, in general, the organization of the policy is divided in the municipal secretaries. The actors' knowledge of the necessities was limited, focusing on architectural accessibility and access to health. Lack of funding and priorities on policy agendas have been identified as challenges, thus indicating the need to raise the awareness of managers, intersetorial articulation, greater investments in territorial services and greater participation and social control of people with disabilities.