Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Peritonite séptica em um cão
Gusso, Juliana Ellen
A six-years-old male canine Basset Hound was submitted to an enterotomy for foreign body removal. He returned to the hospital after 10 days presenting fever and anorexia. Abdominal fluids, one abscess and septic peritonitis were diagnosed inside abdominal cavity. The treatment of the pacient was leaded using fluids reanimation, hemoterapy, antibiotic drugs, antiemetics, mucous membrane protectors, opioids, three surgical procedures, several abdominal lavages and open and closed abdominal drainage. However, the pacient deceased 10 days after hospitalar admission. The present case report describes the original abdominal nosocomial infection, the diagnosis, the performed treatments and the outocome of the case, relating the evolution, from sepsis to septic shock, and the therapeutic complexity, with the high mortality of this disease.