Produção de material didático acessível para surdos no moodle
Cureau, Mara Rúbia Roos
The inclusion of deaf students in higher education is a reality at the Federal University of
Santa Maria (UFSM). With this, the use of the Virtual Environment of Teaching and Learning
(AVEA) MOODLE by the instution has brought some challenges, both for teachers and deaf
students. In order to minimize the problems related to the accessibility of MOODLE to
students and the need to provide courseware accessible to students and teachers, this study
focused on the production of Accessible Learning Material (MDA). The "accessibility of the
deaf student on higher education supported by the Virtual Environment of Teaching-Learning
(AVEA) Moodle" is made possible through the implementation of moodle.org and is
guaranteed by Decree 6.949 / 2009, which guides that the courseware must be made available
in the "languages and in the modes and means of communication most appropriate to the
individual and in environments that favor the maximum of their academic and social
development." Therefore, this research was evaluated as contributions and limits of an Open
Discipline (DA), a research product, not AVEA Moodle in relation to the production of MDA
for deaf students in the UFSM context. A research supported by a qualitative approach, an
exploratory descriptive study with documentary and content analysis that enabled an
interpretation of a materialized reality in the access reports of the participants of the research
in Moodle’s DA and the analysis of the answers obtained in the questionnaires. An evaluation
of DA was performed through online questionnaires about the DA, applied to deaf students,
deaf teachers and to hearing teachers. As a result of the DA assessment, deaf and hearing
teachers indicated that the visual presentation of DA’s courseware would allow the deaf
student to acess the materials from the perspective of universal design. The deaf students, in
turn, declared that an MDA production initiative in AVEA was positive. An analysis of the
obtained data allowed to create relationships between the adopted literature and the
investigated reality, and the deaf students deemed relevant the placement of the images as
contextualizers of the texts used in the discipline, however, they had difficulties in visualizing
the subtitles through the translator of the VLibras, the deaf teachers mentioned no issues with
the use of the Libras translator, as well as the hearing teachers, in the other subjects of the
instrument, the evaluation was positive, especially in the contextualization of the images to
the texts produced in the DA and also in two columns presentation. The DA presents
organizational elements, developed and made available considering the general principles of
accessibility for materials in virtual format, aiming, therefore, to contribute to the permanence
and success of deaf students in this modality of teaching.