Efeitos da N-acetilcisteína sobre a toxicidade do ditelureto de difenila no encéfalo de camundongos
2015-11-18Registro en:
COMPARSI, Bruna. Effects of N-acetylcysteine about diphenyl ditelluride toxicity in mice brain. 2015. 112 f. Tese (Doutorado em Ciências Biológicas) - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, 2015.
Comparsi, Bruna
The diphenyl ditelluride (PhTe)2 is one of the most toxic organic compounds of tellurium which can make their use unsafe. The mechanism(s) involved in (PhTe)2 toxicity is(are) elusive, but thiol oxidation of critical proteins are important targets. Consequently, the possible remedy of its toxicity by thiol-containing compounds is of experimental and clinical interest. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the toxicity of in vivo exposure to (PhTe)2 from oxidative stress biomarkers and behavioral parameters in adult mice and the possible protective effect of N-acetylcysteine (NAC). They evaluated parameters of oxidative stress and behavior in mice. In order to alleviate the toxicity, NAC was administered before (3 days) and simultaneously (PhTe)2 (7 days). Mice were separated into six groups receiving daily injections of (1) Potassium phosphate buffer (TFK) (2.5 ml/kg, intraperitonealy (i.p.)) plus canola oil (10 ml/kg, subcutaneously (s.c.)), (2) NAC (100 mg/kg, i.p.) plus canola oil s.c., (3) TFK i.p. plus (PhTe)2 (10 μmol/kg, s.c.), (4) TFK i.p. plus (PhTe)2 (50 μmol/kg, s.c.), (5) NAC plus (PhTe)2 (10 μmol/kg, s.c.), and (6) NAC plus (PhTe)2 (50 μmol/kg, s.c.). Treatment with (PhtE) started on day 2 of treatment with NAC. The results demonstrate that (PhTe)2 induced behavioral changes in locomotor activity at a concentration of 50 μmol/kg and NAC did not change the effect of (PhTe)2. Motor coordination and lift the bar were compromised and both showed severe motor abnormalities in test animals independent of concentration of (PhTe)2 . The (PhTe)2 also inhibited important selenoenzymes, thioredoxin reductase (at concentrations of 10 μmol/kg and 50 μmol/kg) and glutathione peroxidase (at concentration of 10 μmol/kg) but produced little or no effect on the antioxidant activity of catalase and glutathione reductase. Contrary to expectation, the co-administration of NAC did not protect against deleterious effects (PhTe)2. It was possible to establish high sensitivity of brain tissue compared to the damage (PhTe)2. Other low molecular weight thiols must be investigated to determine whether they may or may not be effective against ditellurides.