Análise de transformador piezelétrico radial utilizando disco de eletrodo seccionado para conversor Half-Bridge
2015-08-27Registro en:
MACHADO, Claiton Mainardi. Analysis piezoelectric radial transformer using disc electrode sectioned to Half-Bridge converter. 2015. 104 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia Elétrica) - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, 2015.
Machado, Claiton Mainardi
This work presents an analysis of a Piezoelectric Transformer (TP), showing the main types of devices, characteristics, operation modes, among others important points. The parameters of Mason Classic Model are determined by frequency response analysis. The nominal load is determined considering the maximum power transfer and the efficiency from the load tests. In order to obtain a more accurate equivalent model, an optimization methodology of equivalent model is proposed. The criterion used to optimize the model is the minimum standard square error between frequency response of TP and model. To prove the results obtained by the optimization meth-odology, it is presented, in impedance graphs, the curves of model obtained by fre-quency response, optimized model and TP. The optimized model is obtained for dif-ferent segments configurations of TP. The analysis of segments has the goal to adapt the TP to specific applications, enabling the parameters adjust, to different condi-tions of load impedance to maximum power transfer, voltage gain and efficiency, among others. The Half-Bridge practical results with nominal load are presented to all segments configurations, using as resonant converter.