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Moodle Mobile (M-learning Moodle) avaliação de usabilidade com o uso do SUS - System Usability Scale
Schneider, Cristiano
The growing use of mobile devices, applications with specific functionalities are developed for this type
of platform. Such applications should have a friendly, user-friendly interface. In this context, the present
article addresses the Virtual Learning Environments for Mobile Devices, with emphasis on the usability
evaluation of the Moodle Mobile Application (M-learning Moodle) for the Android Mobile Operating
System platform. The results were obtained through a quantitative survey, classified as a survey, in a
particular Private Education Institution, located in the city of Novo Hamburgo - Sinos Valley Region. The
selected target audience for the statistical data collection included final students of the Technical Course
in Computer Science. To evaluate the usability of the Moodle Mobile application, the System Usability
Scale (SUS) was used. The result of the usability evaluation of the Moodle application Moodle,
presented the Score of 84.69 points, demonstrating that Moodle Mobile meets the main usability criteria,
such as ease of learning, efficiency and user satisfaction.