dc.contributorDias, Ana Cristina Garcia
dc.contributorSantos, Samara Silva dos
dc.contributorHauck Filho, Nelson
dc.creatorSilveira, Katia Simone da Silva
dc.identifierSILVEIRA, Katia Simone da Silva. THE RELATION BETWEEN ANTISOCIAL BEHAVIOR AND PROTECTION RISKY FACTORS IN ADOLESCENTS FROM DIFFERENT CONTEXTS. 2015. 99 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Psicologia) - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, 2015.
dc.description.abstractThe antisocial behavior can be considered as an action pattern whose goal is to obtain quickly reward, keep distant or annul the demands of the social environments in which the person is placed.However, when this kind of behavior enhances, stabilizes and becomes frequent they can be classified as ( Conduct Disorder, Challenger-Oppositional Disorder and Antisocial Personality Disorder) present in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders DSM-V. The antisocial behavior can be categorized as: persistent (when started in childhood and tend to pursue in adulthood) and transitional (when they are restrited to a stage, in general, adolescence). The behavior that come comes up in adolescence is tend, often, to disappear when maturity comes. Only a little part of teenagers continue having this kind of behavior in adulthood. This dissertation is divided in two studies. The first study was a literature sistemic review, beginning from the purposed model of Moffitt (1993), searching to offer a current overview of the studies that investigates the associated antisocial behavior through the development. The results indicate that the difference between body growth and the psychological social maturity levels are aspects that can boost the occurrence of antisocial transitional behavior. On the other hand, the persistant antisocial behavior has its origin in childhood due to the multiple variations tha can contribute to the development of these bahaviors (family violence, school problems, neurological, etc). This tipology use can help and improve the success of preventive actions and therapeutical interventions recommended to people who have these behaviors. The second study searches to compare and analize the relation between the historic of repetition and expulsion in schools and the future projects stablishment in two groups of adolescents one composed by 73 students from public schools and another by 73 adolescents who enforce correctional measures. The data collection was carried through the Juventude Brasileira questionnaire. It was noticed that the adolescents who enforce correctional measures present low schooling, they have historic of repetition and expulsion at school when compared to a school group. The adolescents who are involved in the education rarely include activities related to study and plans for the future. The historic of recurring school problems can be served as a tool to help the identification of possible people with antisocial behavior. Therefore, for the people who have these characteristics, it should be created intervention ways (psychotherapy) focused specifically in the school integration, in order to avoid these antisocial behaviors to become persistent.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria
dc.publisherPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectComportamento antissocial
dc.subjectProjetos futuros
dc.subjectAntisocial behavior
dc.subjectFuture projects
dc.titleA relação entre comportamentos antissociais e fatores de risco e proteção em adolescentes de diferentes contextos

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