Revolução científica do PPGExR: a emergência de novo paradigma para extensão rural
2013-03-26Registro en:
MORAES, Cléia dos Santos. The scientific revolution PPGExR: emergence of a new paradigm for rural extension. 2013. 173 f. Tese (Doutorado em Agronomia) - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, 2013.
Moraes, Cléia dos Santos
It was in the context of agricultural production and dismantling of this appropriation, by
capitalist enterprises that emerged in the United States of America, the cooperative extension. This
model, is been known like the model, which served as the basis for the rural extension in Brazil and
was subsequently replaced to the model innovative diffusion, proposed by Everett M. Rogers that
became the hegemonic paradigm of diffusion and innovations to the scientific community of the rural
extension. It is also represented by the courses and postgraduate programs in rural extension. A
scientific community, like the Thomas Kuhn s thoughts (2007), is characterized as: a group of
practitioners from the same scientific specialty that contain characteristics, like the: an education
that was similar and that led them to share the same literature and certainly similar techniques that
will guide their work. This scientific community develops a considerable number of surveys each
year. So that is the key to become very important the reasons of this study of systematize the research
and dissertations published in the Postgraduate Program in Rural Extension at the UFSM PPGExR,
in the last 35 years ago, with this purposes: To investigate, from analysis of dissertations, specifically
under the rural extension optics in PPGExR the existence of elements that may characterize periods
of a scientific revolution according the Thomas Kuhn s thoughts (2007). For this, we used a
qualitative research approach. The sampling procedure used was intentional, selecting those
dissertations containing in his title some of the work s words: extensionist rural, extension or
technical assistance and rural extension - ATER. Were prepared four conceptual maps identified in
each of four different time periods, last in the PPGExR. The following concepts shown that: in the
period number I, the hegemony paradigm of diffusion of innovations or the normal science, in period
number II, the emergence of anomalies so that the dominant paradigm can t answer, in the period
number III, the extraordinary science, in which know the anomalies consciousness characterizing the
paradigmatic moment of crisis, the discoveries are being raised and new concepts are incorporated in
period number IV, the new concepts are incorporated and breaking with the paradigm of innovation
diffusion in the emergence of a new paradigm for the rural extension of course, is the scientific
revolution happening in rural extension. So, it is concluded that the scientific community's rural
extension, represented by PPGExR passed through a process of scientific revolution at the same way
described by Thomas Kuhn (2007) where the diffusion of innovations paradigm was abandoned by the
scientific community and an emerging paradigm is rising. Although still immature to indicate
imperatively the existence and dominance of the new paradigm, which can be seen from this
discussion, is that this new paradigm has an orientation from the Agro-ecology, based on dialogue and
a liberating education and can be a paradigm of sustainability.