Época de semeadura de arroz irrigado: rendimento de grãos, controle de arroz-vermelho, eficiência no uso da água e estresse oxidativo
2013-02-26Registro en:
SARTORI, Gerson Meneghetti Sarzi. Irrigated rice sowing dates: grain yield, red rice control, water use efficiency and oxidative stresse. 2013. 124 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Agronomia) - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, 2013.
Sartori, Gerson Meneghetti Sarzi
Irrigated rice is highly influenced by weather, as it is by air temperature and solar radiation.
Thus, the study aimed to evaluate the effect of sowing dates on grain yield and in water use,
as well as in red rice, main weed in irrigated rice. Furthermore, the study evaluated the
influence of different temperatures on the germination of red rice and cultivated rice, as well
as oxidative stress in rice plants submitted to different temperatures and water level
conditions. The studies were performed in field in an experimental lowland area, and in
laboratory, in a BOD incubator and in Phytotron with controlled temperature conditions. It
was observed that the sowing date has influence on yield, on the efficiency of water use and
on the control of red rice, and that the beginning of the recommended period for sowing (end
of September and beginning of October) what provides better grain yield and water use
efficiency. Also, in this period red rice seeds emerge less, resulting in a more efficient control.
It was verified that the soil temperature effects red rice germination, what can be a significant
strategy on the management of this weed. On the other hand, the temperature associated to the
water level is a factor that causes oxidative stress on rice seedlings, with consequences on
growth and nitrogen accumulation. The lower the water level used in the rice paddy, smaller
are the morphophysiological changes caused in seedlings. The chemical control by applying
imazapyr+imazapic in the dose of 52,5+17,5 g ha-1 in PRE + 52,5+17,5 g ha-1 in POST; and
105+35 g ha-1 only in PRE and POST are efficient on red rice control, on condition that the
irrigation management is appropriate and there is no presence of red rice resistant to these