Políticas de inclusão e permanência na educação superior: entre o público e o privado
Pereira, Sandra Regina Costa
The higher education in Brazil suffered deep changes in the last decade, these
changes reverberated straight in an increase of access of the students due to
vacancy offer for several groups that before these changes were excluded from the
higher educational system. The purpose of this study is to know the normative
institutional policies of inclusion of the target audience in special education in public
and private universities in Rio Grande do Sul. The target audience in this study is
defined by Special Education Policy in the Perspective of Inclusive Education
(PNEEPEI/2008). Regarding the methodology, the basic research comply with the
purpose, regarding the approach, the qualitative model emerges as the best option,
because the study fits as a descriptive research, concerning to the goals, the study
can be considered a documental research due the technical procedures developed. It
was necessary a panorama of productions to be situated about the public policies
developed with the inclusive perspective to higher education which contributed to
debate about the policies institutionally applied for students with disabilities in the
universities. The social programs like Reuni, Include program, SiSU, PROUNI and
FIES were developed with the objective of contextualize the moment in which it was
released and the moment after its implementation. The informations were built from
the data triangulation obtained by documents consulted on internet in the official
websites of the programs and universities and from the questionnaires that teaching
deans and coordinators of the sector responsible for the selective processes of the
university answered. The data went through content analyses proposed by Bardin,
(2011) which prompted the emergence of analyze categories. The results pointed out
the necessity of continuity, improvement and regulamentation in institutional context
to the actions aimed to inclusion. A review of the social programs FIES and REUNI
as an access policy for disabled people is also necessary. Lastly, it is
recommended the reflection surrounding the public policies and the enlargement of
the normative institutional policies of inclusion that will favor the access and
permanency of the target audience of special education in their spaces. It is believed
this must be the path to ensure the feasibility of a decent and quality education,
respecting the inclusion of these students.