Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Tratamento cirúrgico das otites externa e média. Revisão de literatura e estudo de seis casos clínicos
Bonetti, José Luciano
Despite all efforts clinicians and pet owners may provide, many dogs suffering from
otitis externa turn out with a chronic otitis. Pre disponant and perpetuating factors may
contribute for progressive changes in this pathology which goes from chronicity to
external stenosis and otitis media. This paper makes a literature review foccusing the
treatment of otits externa and media, discuss a surgical approach to cure such painful
and chronic pathology, using six dogs with recurrent, chronic otitis externa and media.
Also evaluates how objective radiographies have been when diagnosing otitis media, as
well as questioning whether bacteria found in external cannal is the same in the
timpanic bulae. Results tell us that a cure can be achieved using proper surgical
techniques; x-rays proved dubious if there is an otits media or not, and bacteria in the
timpanic bulae and external cannal were the same.