Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Jogo online na aprendizagem da tabuada
Fagundes, Claudia Cristiane Bisso
This paper presents the results obtained from the use of the online game LEMONADE in teaching multiplication tables. The game was used as a way to motivate and improve efficiency in solving mathematical calculations, with students in the fourth year of Elementary School. The development of online activities in Mathematics was the purpose, which presents many difficulties to the student to facilitate learning. The survey was conducted by control and observation group. The students were randomized into two groups and they all did the same activity with multiplying exercise of many multiplication tables. The control group used the game for thirty minutes and the other group performed the calculations using matchsticks. The study had two stages that were taken with an interval of three days each one. The research showed that this game can help students memorize the multiplication tables and that the students learn by interacting with the game and with their peers throughout the process, promoting a more effective and dynamic learning, committed to the development of the student.