Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Planejamento participativo na formação integral para concretização da gestão democrática
Zucolotto, Janine
The Democratic Management is the initiative to open the school doors for the participation of the school community in decision making, but it is still identified as under construction. The objective of this research was to understand the relationship between the training manager with the participatory planning process. After the context of the current profile of the state public school, through the analysis of questionnaires that bring the positioning segment parents, guardians, teachers and staff on participation in the management process, we evaluate the process analyzing the daily school and the biggest problems pointed out in the context of school management. It appears that the pedagogical and administrative in a democratic management must go together, because the school body is composed of a harmonious work. And the manager should be prepared to assume the role, not only with the specific knowledge are required of it, reading the social, cultural and economic macro and micro regional, as well as sensitivity to hear the different school segments. The instruments that the manager has to contribute to their management is characterized as democratic, they are: the construction of the Pedagogic Political Project in the collective, the development of continuing education project and the class council. The manager value to those involved in the educational process, is the motivator, the encouraging, the mediator in the process of participation. The guys need to feel valued to further engage in the process. The responses to the questionnaire link the democratic management profile and the role of the school manager.