Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Gestão democrática: a formação continuada do gestor escolar
Penz, Viviane Lang
The continued training of the manager takes over the need of personal, cultural and professional growth, covering individual and collective perspectives. The objective of this study consists in pointing some reflections based on a bibliographic study, regarding to the continued and basic training of the school manager in the light of democratic participative management. The school manager needs formation not only basic but also continued to manage the school processes, face the challenges and the demands which arise from the society and from the school itself, and the theoretical reflections are grounded on the present policies, teachers and authors formation such as Luck (2000, 2009, 2011); Libâneo (2001, 2004, 2005); Garcia (1992); Nóvoa (1992) among others. It is an assumption that the manager has knowledge and clarity about the challenges that are daily presented , as well as he tries to develop and invest on the professional competences that are necessary to his job, having as basis the conception of the democratic participative management. Thus it is sated that, having as basis the goals proposed in this study, it is concluded that the basic and continued training of manager teachers comprise the principles of the democratic management that is put into practice through the completion of the mechanisms of participation of the different educational segments with an insightful view on the present public policies.