Estudo do comportamento mecânico de vergas armadas com treliças planas em alvenaria estrutural
2012-08-31Registration in:
REZENDE, Fabiana Martins de. Analysis of mechanical behavior of lintels reinforced with plane truss in structutural masonry. 2012. 102 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia Civil) - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, 2012.
Rezende, Fabiana Martins de
The main goal of these studies were evaluate the mechanical behavior of
structural masonry lintels built with hollow clay blocks. The compressive strength and
failure mode of lintels under bending were determine using three different types of
lintels: grouted and reinforced lintels made with U section blocks, structural blocks
with horizontal prefabricated bedding joint reinforcements and horizontal and vertical
joint reinforcements with MURFOR® steel reinforcement and stirrups. The test
results indicated that the failures occur by shear strength. The use of lintels with
grout demonstrated high levels of loading resistance, when compared with the others
models. The use of horizontal and vertical reinforcement (MURFOR®), support
higher level of loading, when it was compared with only horizontal joint reinforce.