dc.contributorWollmann, Cássio Arthur
dc.contributorRovani, Franciele Francisca Marmentini
dc.contributorGobo, João Paulo Assis
dc.creatorHoppe, Ismael Luiz
dc.description.abstractUrban space and the process of urbanization have always attracted the attention of many researchers in the most diverse areas of knowledge because it is a man-made space for man himself and that in many cases, the way this space is organized can create situations that are harmful to human well-being. Thus, this paper aims to measure and evaluate the thermo-hygrometric field and the environmental quality of the urban area of Salto do Jacuí / RS. The study area is the Salto do Jacuí city, located in the state of Rio Grande do Sul - RS, the city is located at latitude 29º05'18 "south and longitude 53º12'45" west, it is located in the Hydrographic Basin of Alto Jacui. The city's choice is to study for several reasons: it is located near the reservoir of the Engenheiro Maia Filho Dam, by the reservoir of the Itaúba Hydroelectric Power Plant and because it is approximately 5 km from the largest reservoir in the state, the Passo Real Reservoir; for being a small city; but the site presents an indigenous reserve and its surroundings (variation of land use). In this sense, for the full development of the research from the point of view of its methodological roadmap. Two fixed sampling points were selected for this research. These points were selected to be able to make an analysis of the climatic behavior of the central area of the city throughout the day, comparing with the point located in a less urbanized area and the banks of the lake, and also to verify the possible changes of a body d 'water in the local climate. In order to obtain data on air temperature and relative air humidity in the intra-urban area and surrounding areas, the mobile transect methodology was used, based on the simultaneous obtaining of climatic data along preestablished paths within the urban network. Two transects were established that crossed the Salto do Jacuí city in the North-South and East-West directions. To evaluate and map the environmental quality of the urban area of Salto do Jacuí / RS, an adaptation of the methodology developed by Nucci (1998) was used. In this study, negative attributes were chosen to determine the environmental quality, such as: deficit of free spaces, vegetation cover, vertical distribution, polluting uses, population density, flooding areas and land or land uses. Analyzing it can be said that the city of Salto do Jacuí, presents a reasonable environmental quality. The islands of heat generated in the urban area of Salto do Jacuí, is a product of the relation man and nature and predominantly in areas where the environmental quality is low. It was evident that the main influences in the urban climate of Salto do Jacuí, come from the rural surroundings near the city, linked to the type of use and ground cover. In comparison with the data from the Ibirubá Meteorological Station, it can be seen that the regional circulation can be used as a reference, where temperatures were similar, but with a higher value always for the urban area of Salto do Jacuí.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria
dc.publisherPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Geografia
dc.publisherCentro de Ciências Naturais e Exatas
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
dc.subjectQualidade ambiental urbana
dc.subjectClima urbano
dc.subjectSalto do Jacuí
dc.subjectIlha de calor reservatório
dc.subjectUrban environmental quality
dc.subjectUrban climate
dc.subjectReservoir heat island
dc.titleO campo termo-higrométrico e a qualidade ambiental urbana em Salto do Jacuí/RS

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