Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
Análise da produção científica da revista Educação Especial da UFSM acerca da temática altas habilidades/superdotação
Corim, Cleonir Paim
The training of teachers in this area is necessary for an education aimed at
students with high abilities / giftedness, support the student in the specialized
care and work both the potential and the difficulties they may present. Based on
this theme, the context of this research is based on the theories of Joseph
Renzulli and Howard Gardner. In this sense, the objective of this work is to
discuss the scientific production of the Special Education Journal on High
Abilities/Giftedness in order to contribute to the training of teachers in this area.
The present research was characterized as a bibliographical research (GIL,
1999; BRASIL, 2008) aiming new studies in the area that contribute to
professional researchers of education, students and family. Thus, a mapping was
done in this journal in the years 2010 to 2017. The refore, in this research it is
necessary to bring information that can contribute with new knowledge about high
abilities / giftedness. In addition, it is also an important contribution to map the
scientific productions in the high abilities / giftedness area.