dc.contributorLouzada, Ulysses Fonseca
dc.creatorLuz, Bernardo Araujo da
dc.description.abstractThe jury is enshrined as constitutional entrenchment clause by the legislature. This information is extracted importance. By dealing with intentional crimes against life, often with repercussions media and interpersonal distress, gains preferential treatment in legislation. This work aims search about the appropriateness of the acquittal of the rite common in ordinary offenses of this kind. Initially, the study will present monographic historical aspects and concepts that are specific to the development of the theme, such as the location at the time of the proposal, which is the first stage of the jury, the characterization of the absolution of the rite of jury common and ordinary rite, the pointing of the principles that focus on crimes of this style. In order sequent, penetrates to the very core of this work, which is the analysis of the appropriateness of absolution brought by article 397 of the Criminal Procedure Code on crimes affect the procedure of the jury. After, using the dialectic method, it is a construct designed to support the application object's monograph, with support in all legal and conceptual elements fingerings previously.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria
dc.publisherCentro de Ciências Sociais e Humanas
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectAbsolvição sumária
dc.subjectTribunal do júri
dc.subjectProcesso penal
dc.subjectRito especial
dc.subjectAbbreviatte absolution
dc.subjectCriminal procedure
dc.subjectRite special
dc.titleAbsolvição sumária e o rito do Tribunal do Júri
dc.typeTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação

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