Avaliação dos critérios do plano de participação nos lucros por meio de indicadores de desempenho
2006-02-22Registro en:
BARASUOL, Edelmar Eloi. Evaluation criterion on profit - and/or result-sharing by nean of performance indicators. 2006. 147 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia de Produção) - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, 2006.
Barasuol, Edelmar Eloi
The present study focuses on the research and evaluation of a profit- and/or result-sharing plan (PRSP) applied during 7 years at the CERTHIL Company. Multi-variable and descriptive analyses were the methods used. The objective of the research was to propose a methodology that would facilitate the implantation and evaluation of future profit-sharing plans at other companies. It is classified as a quantitative study. A questionnaire (Likert scale) was given to directors and collaborators of CERTHIL and directors of the company CERMISSÕES, which intends to implant the PRSP. The evaluation of indicators by the multi-variable analysis allowed for the selection of an ideal group of variables for analysis. The factorial analysis enabled the identification of the degree of importance of each indicator analyzed, facilitating the study of those indicators that have greater and lesser influence in the plan. The analysis of the principal components allowed for the reduction and identification of variables of greater statistical relevance, that better explain the factors to be analyzed and identify those that will maintain greater management control. The methodology proposed proved to be important and highly applicable in the evaluation and implantation of Profit- and/or Result-Sharing plans. This method can be used as a tool to monitor performance indicators applied to the PRSP and contribute to business planning.