Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Análise do processo licitatório no município de Sant'Ana do Livramento
Har, Magda Rosane Souto
This study aimed to analyze the bidding process in the city of St. Anne of Deliverance, trading presence in the sport, introduced by Law 10520 of July 17, 2002, compared to the other modalities of the Law 8666/93, more specifically the modality invitation, the purchases made by the municipality. The bidding for the procurement of goods and services by the public is under the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil, in its Article 37, Section
XX, regulated by Federal Law No. 8666 of June 21, 1993, (Act Tenders and Contracts administrative). The method call is the simplest among the bidding procedures established by the Statute of Bids (Law 8.666/93) in his art. 22, § 3. Since the auction is the bidding to own goods and services considered by the common market, whatever the estimated value, always at the lowest price, the dispute being made in public by proposals written and verbal bids. The trading floor has two modes: face and electronics. To achieve the proposed objectives, we used the inductive method, with exploratory qualitative approach, through a case study. As a result, you can infer that the proclamation Face emerges as an improvement of the system of bidding for the Government, its operation is a reverse auction, in which bidders bid down proffer, giving the administration a better buy. This new form ensures economy in procurement of goods and services, allows even greater flexibility in bidding processes, procedures to reduce bureaucracy in the qualification phase, and in its later stages. There has been based on this study, that of all types of bidding, the Auction mode effectively facilitated the procurement of goods and services in Public Administration.