Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Estudo do acesso à informação em alguns arquivos públicos municipais no Rio Grande do Sul
Dias, Andréssia Jociara
This study aims at investigating the actions of the municipal archives of five cities in the state of Rio Grande do Sul to know how is the access to information by citizens. The specific objectives are: To characterize the municipal archives; verify how often the service is the right to access to information in the municipal archives; present the experiences of municipal archives for implementation of access to information and promoting the right to information. The research is classified as an applied nature, and technical procedure to be applied is descriptive and bibliographical. His approach is qualitative-quantitative, since numbers will translate into the opinions of informants. Therefore, in relation to the objectives, is exploratory, because it involves questioning the people who have practical experience in relation to the problem to be researched, and literature surveys. Through analysis and discussion of the data collected, it was realized that the unrest Archives for public managers do not fear public management and information, and use it as a smart way to increase his political prestige, as reason for the file, regardless of institutional framework is to allow access to information. By accessing and using information, the citizen is aware of their rights and duties in society, thus the Law. 12.527/2011 represents a paradigm shift in public transparency, it puts that access is the rule and secrecy the exception being the right propeller and access to information and certainly a facilitator of making archival.