Estudo de eventos de El Niño e La Niña em anéis de crescimento de árvores para a região Sul do Brasil
2012-02-24Registro en:
LORENSI, Caren. Study of El Niño and La Niña events in treerings growth for the South of Brazil region. 2012. 116 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Geociências) - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, 2012.
Lorensi, Caren
In climatology it is of fundamental importance to make predictions about the behavior
of certain variables. For this it is necessary that current and past behavior of these
variables is known. In this context, the use of natural records, such as the growth rings
of trees, has become a very effective tool because it covers data of longer time
scale. The dendroclimatologia is the study of climate through the analysis of growth
rings of trees and it is based on the determination of climatic factors that are acting in
the study area and thus causing variations in thickness of growth rings. In general,
dendrochronology is a simple and inexpensive work, but highly effective. In the present
work, it was developed a study of the climate through the growth rings of trees of the
species Araucaria angustifolia which chronologies were obtained of samples collected
from Concordia / SC, Passo Fundo / RS and São Francisco de Paula / RS. It was used a
total of 34 samples, 08 samples from Concord, 12 samples from Passo Fundo and 14
samples from São Francisco de Paula/RS. The variations in thickness of growth rings
were investigated considering the variable rainfall recorded in the localities of Passo
Fundo and Caxias do Sul / RS. The time series of the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI)
was also used in the study in order to know the influence of this phenomenon in the
growth of trees. In the series of rings of tree growth it was applied a low-pass filter in
order to remove long trends contained in this series. In the series of precipitation it was
used a low-pass filter to period corresponding to SOI become evident. The method of
Iterative Regression Analysis of Time Series (ARIST) was applied to the series in order
to find common periods between growth rings and climate variables. The results
showed that there is, in the time series of growth rings, signs similar to those found in
the series of IOS with periods around 2 and 7 years. In the seasonal study, the results
identified a trend of growing trees in the spring/summer.