dc.contributorBattistella, Luciana Flores
dc.contributorNascimento, Luis Felipe Machado do
dc.contributorMadruga, Lúcia Rejane da Rosa Gama
dc.creatorVelter, Aline Nadalin
dc.identifierVELTER, Aline Nadalin. A study of the determinants of pro-environmental behavior of university professors. 2011. 178 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Administração) - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, 2011.
dc.description.abstractWith the growing pressures of social actors on the degradation of the environment and that this has direct influence on quality of life, called the growing environmental movement. Committed to this movement, the eco-consumer voice their environmental concerns in their attitudes and consequently in their buying behavior, consider seeking products that cause less adverse impacts to the environment and appreciating those that are produced by environmentally responsible companies. Thus, this study sought to identify determinates that influence the purchasing behavior of university professors of business administration courses from Brazilian institutions towards pro-environmental products. To that end, was investigated the environmental awareness of consumers using the scale of the New Ecological Paradigm (NEP-Scale) developed by Dunlap and Van Liere (1978) and updated by Dunlap et al. (2000). It was also applied the scale Enoki et al. (2008) to ascertain the impact of marketing mix strategies in their purchasing behavior pro-environment. Was conducted a survey research to then test the model through the use of structural equation modeling. The findings didn t indicate a positive relationship between environmental awareness and purchasing behavior pro-environmental. However, there were positive relationships between the strategies of price, place and product and purchasing behavior in environmentally friendly, as well as the positive influence of the promotion strategy on pricing strategies, place strategies and product strategies of green marketing. In the end, it is proven that the marketing strategies are important in influencing the pro-environmental purchase behavior of the consumers.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria
dc.publisherPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Administração
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectConsciência ecológica
dc.subjectMix de marketing verde
dc.subjectComportamento do consumidor
dc.subjectEcological awareness
dc.subjectGreen marketing mix
dc.subjectConsumer behavior
dc.titleUm estudo dos determinantes ao comportamento pró-ambiental de professores universitários

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