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Perfil dos usuários do serviço de fisioterapia do Programa de Medicina Preventiva – UNIMED Santa Maria
Caino, Rejane de Souza
Chronic diseases have become the main priority in health in Brazil -72 % of deaths in 2007 were attributed to them. These are fast becoming a health priority in Brazil and policies for prevention and control has been implemented. National targets need to be developed to reduce chronic diseases and their risk factors. A concomitant change the allocation of resources , and high technology for health promotion and prevention is needed to increase the budgetary support and central coordination for the prevention and care of chronic diseases in both the public and private sectors . This study aims to analyze the profile of users of physiotherapy preventive medicine program service - Unimed Santa Maria , by surveying the EprimeCare program data used by Unimed.Serão following instruments used to collect data Berg Scale the Katz Index , FIM ( Functional Independence Measure ) and evaluation questionnaire . Will be invited to participate in the study , Unimed of users that are part of the Program of Preventive Medicine , residents in Santa Maria- RS . The investigation of these variables is important so that they can scientifically demonstrate activities of this nature in order to build strategies for health promotion and prevention , aimed at this population.