Metodologia híbrida para alocação, coordenação, dimensionamento e adequação do sistema de proteção em sistemas de distribuição de energia elétrica com geração distribuída diretamente acoplada
Guarda, Fernando Guilherme Kaehler
This work aims to allocate, size and coordinate protective devices in electric power systems with directly coupled distributed generation and also to adequate protection systems to accommodate these sources. Currently, it is possible to observe distributed generation penetration growth in distribution systems, being encouraged by new laws and implementation costs reduction, the last one due to technological maturity. Dispersed generation brings several benefits in electric networks operation such as: reduction of technical losses, voltage profiles maintenance, increase in energy quality, etc. However, this rise in distributed generation penetration in traditional distribution systems also causes important issues that must be considered. Distribution systems candidate to receive distributed generation have their protection systems already sized and coordinated. Distributed generation contribution alters the devices sensibility, causing miscoordination and the need for new protection studies. These problems are separately treated by authors, however, they are connected. In this work, the objective is to determine protective devices allocation and develop a solution to accommodate distribution generation. Firstly, the allocation, sizing and coordination of protective device is carried out, aiming to reduce reliability indices. Else, it was developed a method to reduce recloser - fuse miscoordination in the presence of distributed generation. To solve the miscoordination problem, Fault Current Limiters are sized and placed. These are inert devices in normal operation, but insert a high impedance in series with a feeder in a short circuit situation, limiting distributed generation contribution for a fault. The protective devices allocation problem is treated using a multiobjective particle swarm algorithm, aiming to reduce reliability indices, which priority is defined by the weight associated with each index. With the optimal protective devices placement established, distributed generation penetration is considered. Then, fault current limiters allocation and sizing is carried out to the best solutions of the protective devices allocation problem. To determine fault current limiters placement, a multiobjective particle swarm algorithm is also applied, aiming to reduce current differences due to distributed generation penetration, maintaining fuse cutout selectivity and also minimize fault current limiter size. The proposed method was tested in two IEEE test systems, presenting quality solutions for protective devices placement and also in adequating these systems to receive distributed generation.