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Uso do blog para mediação de leitura: poesia
Azevedo, Mariley Schneider Reis de
The present study presents an applied and qualitative research evaluating the use of the blog in the educational context, addressing the following questions: The use of media in the educational context and the use of the blog for reading mediation: poetry. The aim of this research is to ascertain the im-portance of the use of media in the educational context, as well as the mediation of reading through the blog, especially with regard to pedagogical practices that use media in the educational context and mediation As a way to create the taste for poetry and encourage the reading of poetic texts in-side and outside the classroom, with the use of the media and the creation of the blog for posts of poems. With the results obtained, it was found that the classes become more attractive, and the stu-dents show greater interest in reading poems, with a better understanding.