dc.contributorIlha, Adayr da Silva
dc.creatorCunha, Laurie Fofonka
dc.description.abstractThe generation and sharing of geospatial information have aided in the understanding of the territory and contributed to the planning stages and scales of state intervention. Also have increasingly significant role in meeting the demands related to knowledge management and environmental, monitoring social programs and assessing the impacts of investments, among others. The formulation of strategies for the dissemination of these data, relevant to public management, represents an opportunity to qualify support for decision making in many areas and spheres of activity. The overall goal of the research is the identification and discussion of the factors recognized as barriers to deployment, in Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil), of an infrastructure focused on planning, evaluation and monitoring of public policies based on the literature review and legal frameworks existing and also the experience of public employees. Through a qualitative and exploratory approach, an information survey was conducted with a view to identifying the range of factors that affect the harmonization, integration, dissemination and effective use of geospatial data set generated daily by public organizations. In order to provide an overview of the contents mentioned in these questionnaires was built a situational matrix that sought to gather, also based on a critical review of the theoretical framework, subsidies for the development of an action plan for the implementation of the Spatial Data Infrastructure of the State of Rio Grande do Sul.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria
dc.publisherCentro de Ciências Sociais e Humanas
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
dc.subjectGestão pública
dc.subjectDados geoespaciais
dc.subjectInfraestrutura de dados espaciais
dc.subjectPublic management
dc.subjectGeospatial data
dc.subjectSpatial data Infrastructure
dc.titlePotencialidades e desafios para implantação de uma infraestrutura de dados espaciais no Rio Grande do Sul
dc.typeTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização

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