Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
As mídias impressas e digitais como facilitadoras do processo de ensino e aprendizagem
Conceição, Pedro Valdir da
We have been expediencies a major technological revolution in Brazil and
worldwide. Children are born among the most varied media technologies. Inducation
it is not different The present study aims at conducting research on the influence
exerted by printed and digital media in the teaching and learning of learners from the
seventh and eighth grades of the Municipal Conquista Dezesseis de Outubro, in Jóia,
Rio Grande do Sul. It is approached the use of digital media (computer) and printed
media in the educational process of students of the surveyed groups. We observed the research data in the understanding of the facts through analysis with the support
in writings of some authors with the aim of validating the studied topics.