dc.contributorVeiga, Adriana Moreira da Rocha
dc.contributorIsaia, Silvia Maria de Aguiar
dc.contributorBarbiero, Danilo Ribas
dc.contributorAlves, Thelma Panerai
dc.contributorPaim, Maria Cristina Chimelo
dc.creatorQuadros, Cláudia Terezinha
dc.description.abstractThe theme explained in this study, with the purpose of composing the Doctoral Thesis consisted in the theoretical and complex understanding of the process of teaching / learning, imbricated in didactic-creative choreographies, as contribution of dance education to new understandings of teaching as an essentially creative act And shared between educators and learners. This thematic choice originated in the trajectory traversed by the author as a dancer, teacher and researcher in the universe of dance, allowing her to walk through concepts at the interface between dance and education. The main question permeated in the process of conceptual appropriation questioned: what is the contribution of choreographic processes of Dance Education to a new teacher understanding about teaching and learning? In the search for possible answers, dance choreography is presented in its convergence with the concept of choreography of teaching (OSER; BAERISWYL, 2001) translated by Miguel Zabalza (2005, 2006, 2009) as a didactic choreography whose original definition includes choreography Of teaching / didactics as an analogy to the sequence of dance movements, corresponding to the learning stages, considering both the dancer and the student a scenario configured by artistic-educational elements that are being articulated in the process of creative learning. The learner assimilates/accommodating/structuring cognitive learning objects in a didactic-creative choreography, a construct constituted in this thesis. This emphasizes the dynamics that arise and keeps the learning in complex patterns, like the choreographic processes that are composing a spectacle in its singularity, since every spectacle/learning is unusual in its creative potential. The choreographic creation seen in the didactic-creative scenario appears as the culmination of the activity, in which the learner constructs his knowledge, assuming his cognitive autonomy and sharing his creation with the other. Thus, the process of knowledge construction in this learning situation, also covers a shared elaboration among peers. This study allowed the understanding that the mediations that trigger the educational dance activities contribute significantly to the imbricated process of teaching / learning, through didactic-creative choreographic dynamics, in different teaching situations, involving educators and educators. By locating the focus on school learning based on didactic choreography, this study constructed a possible planning of didactic-creative choreographies consisting of three interconnected components: Creative Encouragement, Creative Learning and Creative Expression.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria
dc.publisherPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Educação
dc.publisherCentro de Educação
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
dc.subjectProcessos coreográficos na dança
dc.subjectCoreografias de ensino
dc.subjectCoreografias didáticas
dc.subjectCoreografias didático-criativas
dc.subjectChoreographic processes in dance
dc.subjectChoreography of teaching
dc.subjectDidactic choreographies
dc.subjectDidactic-creative choreographies
dc.titleContribuições dos processos coreográficos da dança- educação à formação docente: ensinar/aprender em coreografias didático-criativas

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