Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Experiência de grupos de psicoeducação com familiares de pessoas com transtorno mental
Welter, Lisiane dos Santos
Context: Mental Health care has changed since the Psychiatric Reform, moving from a manicomial model of exclusion to an integral and inclusive care that encompasses the territorial-psychosocial and family care. Objective: to report the experience of a resident psychologist on the practices of psychoeducation groups performed with relatives of people hospitalized in a psychosocial care unit of a teaching hospital. Methodology: 17 family members participated in four meetings in the period of August and September of 2017. Results: the life histories reported in the weekly meetings were marked by different themes that involved mental disorders, care, management and orientation; family members' lack of knowledge about what happens to their family member, which directly affects care, as well as the need for support and exchange of experiences among the participants. Conclusion: caring for those who care still happens in an incipient way and through the groups. It was verified the importance of the continuity of the care for the relatives, since this implies directly in the attention of the people in treatment.