Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Estudo comparativo entre idosos sedentários e não sedentários enfocando a presença de algias
Moura, Erlaci Celanira da Silva
The objective of this study was investigate the presence of symptoms algics in sedentary and not
sedentary aged. They had been invited to participate of this research 30 aged pertaining the Association of
Workers Pensioners and Pensioners of are São Borja – RS, being 15 sedentary and 15 not sedentary ones,
15 of masculine sex and 15 of the feminine sex, with age understood between 62 and 96 years. A protocol
was used as research instrument emboding the interview and the evaluation of the static and dynamic
position. One evidenced that aged the sedentary ones present painful synptomologic more frequently than the not sedentary ones.