Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Efeito da gestação sobre o status postural, o equilíbrio e a composição corporal – um estudo de caso
Rubin, Nadyne
The pregnancy is one of the biggest temporary changes that occurs in all systems
of the feminine body in a short space time. In this study of case, it was analyzed the
posture, the body composition and the balance (with and without fatigue) during
different periods of the gestation. One pregnant of 41 years was submitted to the
evaluations of cutaneous folds (CF) (to subescapular, bicipital, pectoral, axial, lame
tricipital and panturrilha – with compass CescorfTM, resolution 0,1mm), corporal mass
(Arja scale, resolution 0,1kg), to the postural evaluation (Kendal and Creary) and to the
tests of static balance (platform of force AMTI OR6). A reduction in the subcutaneous
adiposity was evidenced of 11,98%, when the add up had been compared to CF of 1º
and 3º trimester, an increase of the corporal weight of 23,61%. Changes in the position
of the head, spikes, lumbar region and pelvic had been proven. The balance before and
after the fatigue protocol was revealed as diminished when observed in the different
periods of the pregnancy. It was concluded that the pregnant woman reduced the
corporal adiposity, although the increase of corporal weight, and presented restricted
posturals alterations to the head, spikes, lumbar region and pelvic, and also
demonstrated reduction of the postural balance.