Sistema de supervisão local/remoto para pequenas centrais de geração elétrica
Medeiros, Matheus Nöthen de
Supervisory systems are widely used in power generation systems. They allow
operation analysis by means of a human-machine interface, which acts on the plant. In
addition, supervisory systems can be used to check operating errors, which results on
system damage avoidance.In this master dissertation, several supervisory systems are
created. A SCADA system that can be used in local supervising and direct action is
developed based on Modbus/RS-485. Furthermore, a Website and an Android App are
used for remote supervisory. The stored data uses a MySQL database in a server that
a website is hosted, which realizes the use of the elements for the user presentation.
A web service was used for the Android app in order to provide the intermediate with
the database. These systems were applied in a hydroelectric generation setup to verify
their working principles.There are several types of supervision systems in the literature.
However, the main contribution of this master dissertation is the propose of three means
to facilitate the operation, which is an improvement in this research area.