Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Significado e utilização dos dados dos sistemas de informação no planejamento em saúde: um olhar dos gestores
Botega, Ariane de Oliveira
In the health management field, the use of planning tools, the health information systems and health indicators, are essential to the managers and professionals for performing diagnostic, decision taking, orientation of public policies, actions and services that answer the health needs of the territory. The aim of the study was to evaluate how managers mean and use data of the information systems in planning of actions and goals in public health of a medium-sized municipality in the Central Region of Rio Grande do Sul and justified due to difficulty of incorporating the use of health planning tools in everyday management. It presents descriptive design, exploratory and qualitative approach. Study participants were 12 managers, between them 4 Coordinators of the Administrative Region and 8 Coordinator of municipal public policies. It was verified the fragility of managers in the knowledge, domain and use of the information systems in health and health indicators for conducting planning of public policies, programs and services in the municipality, furthermore it was found the need for continuing education on the themes addressed in this study, in order to qualify and modify the work process of municipal management.