Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Prática pedagógica em educação física e a educação ambiental
Lara, Giane Schmaedeck
This article focuses on studying and researching the relatioship historically established between subject and nature and how this cultural construction influences the pedagogical practice in Physical Education (PE). Under this perspective, this research proposes to comprehend the Physical Education role in the process of Environmenal Education (EE). The Academic Bibliographical References (book, academic articles and monographics) and the observations realized together with the project “Canooeing in School” (“Canoagem na Escola”) have been used as research fiel. The techniques of Bibliographical Review and the participating abservation have been used as base for research source. Considering that some social practices of body culture, as na example the canooeing sport, have a huge potential in sensitiveness of local environment issues, seeking on overcoming persective of these problems we can think about our acting by taking into account the Environmental Education.