Projeto Bairro Bom: educação patrimonial nos bairros de Santa Maria/RS
Porto, Adriana Pereira Machado
The present study aims a proposition of a Project of patrimonial education on the neighbourhoods of the city of Santa Maria/ RS State , as a way of achieving citzenship through the comunitary involvement, to the recomposition of the social fabric and therefore maximizating the quality of life and the quality of the enviroment, with the decrease of degradation and violence originated from disbelief and hopelessness from the people. For this to be achieved, a juridical-constitutional regarding democracia was acted, the methods of exertion of citzenship, the popular participation in the administration of puplic interests and the sharing of responsabilities, emphasizing the necessity of active participation of the comunities in the handling the purposes of the colective life. The research focus on the social mobilization to the self-management of the comunities, as of the identificartion of colective demands whose answer or satisfaction are at the reach of the inhabitants and allow the changes in the local urban reality. The care with urban spaces is the way to the improvements in quality of the enviroment and, therefore, way of pevention of violence, which must be developed by the Public Administration and also through the common participation. As the task proposes the efective proactivity, the study brings to consideration the necessity that the awareness of individuals, with respect to their transformative role, be it na effect of a constant process of patrimonial education, with the encouragement to the retrivement of the common will at the promotion of the public welfare, starting in the production of public spaces in wich they live. In this case, the universitary extention emerge with the perspective of a dialogical with the society, able to promove the dissemination of knolege, seting as goal the orientation, the intelectual and professional support, destinated to provide the fertile field necessary to the arrival of ideas that attend satisfatorily the necessities and needs of the inhabitants of the neighbourhoods, reason wich is introduced the project “Bairro Bom”, a proposal of patrimonial education sustained in the most diverse areas of knolege, aims to promote the resignation of the space in wich they live.