Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Óleo de cozinha usado como ferramenta de educação ambiental para alunos do ensino médio
Silva, Carmen Lúcia Wegner da
Currently, environmental management have been broadly discussed and through the environmental education its concepts are brought to the population. The wrong disposal of waste cause environmental problems as soil, water and air pollution. These problems, mostly are correlated to lack of knowledge about the environmental impacts of the wastes. The cooking oil, typically disposal in a wrong way, is one of the main water pollutant responsible to many aquatic ecosystems degradation and biodiversity deceasing. So, we developed a work to environmental education in in the municipality of Formigueiro – RS, Brazil. The first step of this work was to identify the used cooking oil destination that was made by quizzes applied to Department of Agricultural and Environment and to 10 commercial offices. The second step was to evaluate the environmental sense of students from Ensino Médio da Escola João Isidoro Lorentz by quizzes. Third, to aware the students were performed presentations about environmental impacts of wrong disposal of cooking oil and its potentially reuse with workshops to teach making soap. The students from Escola Estadual João Isidoro Lorentz become multipliers of these information to the school community.